Health & Safety Company Statement


The Health and Safety of all The Bigger Picture Training Company Employees and Learners is of prime importance to the wellbeing of the Company.

  • It is our aim to make the Company a safe place in which to learn and work. We believe that we can achieve this by agreeing standards both for individuals and the Company as a whole by the allocation of adequate resources and by encouraging effort and commitment to this end.

  • We make it clear to managers, leaders, and all employees, including our learners that the priority given to Health and Safety performance is such that it is always included when setting our Strategic Objectives and sits well within all our Core Values.

  • Our objective is a strong commitment to Health and Safety. The company’s main objective is the provision of safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of any potential injury or ill health caused by our activities. We will ensure continual improvement in the management and performance of Occupational Health and Safety, minimising the possibility of any liability. 

  • We recognise that in order to maintain a strong, healthy business the Company will do all it practicably can to improve and assist the health of its employees through provision of wellbeing support.

  • We fully accept our responsibility for learners and for other persons who may be affected by our activities.

  • The Company is committed to ensure that learners are entitled to learning that takes place in a safe, healthy, and supportive environment. We also consider that safe learning and working are essential to maximise their experience and achievement.  

The Bigger Picture Training Company will:

  1. Fully meet and wherever possible exceed all relevant legal requirements and any other requirements to which we subscribe and meet our ‘duty of care’ to staff and learners, including responsibilities for Child Protection, Safeguarding and Prevent duty.

  2. Seek assurance that we have suitable and sufficient arrangements for learner health and safety.

  3. Take appropriate action where expected standards are not met or maintained.

  4. Promote the raising of standards for learner health and safety through support, and challenge, as appropriate.

  5. Continue to ensure for as long as is necessary and as far as is reasonably practicable our response to the COVID19 pandemic protecting everyone’s health and wellbeing during training.

Responsibility for Health and Safety rests with everyone including our employers, employees, learners, and clients. We must all co-operate with each other to enable all statutory duties are complied with. The company is strongly committed to providing employees, learners and any interested parties with systems, processes and meetings which allow open consultation, participation and communication on health and safety matters. The successful implementation of our policies requires total commitment from all levels. Health and Safety is an integral part of all functions and activities. All employees will receive appropriate training, where necessary, to achieve a high level of awareness, motivation, and knowledge. Elements that are identified as safety critical are routinely revalidated to ensure that competency is maintained. Employees and learners are informed of any potential risks to health or safety which may be inherent to activities related to The Bigger Picture Training Company. 

This policy statement, the Company’s Health and Safety infrastructure and its subsequent arrangements shall be reviewed regularly to ensure that it reflects changing needs and circumstances and is kept up to date. The Bigger Picture Training Company will review its Health and Safety policy and action statement annually. Its effectiveness shall be monitored and acted upon by the Company directors.